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blog.by C21 Caribbean blog.datep 15/06/2021

Nine in the morning, I entered the office to start my watch, the smell of coffee is everywhere and suddenly the phone rings with the first client of the day;

-Thank you for calling CENTURY21, Miguel will help you.
-Hi, I'm calling to ask about a house for sale that is on the beach.

This is how the calls we receive from our clients usually begin every day from someone representing a family trying to fulfill the dream of a generation, which perhaps a father transmitted to his son, and now it is his turn to fulfill the mission, that dream that I inherited from living in the Caribbean paradise.
The Riviera Maya is not only a place that has a beach, it is a way of life, it is feeling free, it is a connection with our planet earth, being in the sea and breathing pure and fresh air, it is discovering nature, it is rising up in a different world where there are caverns under the ground, it is to have contact with new friends of the thousands of species that exist here, it is normal to see toucans, hear the song of birds, the talks of parakeets in every green corner, see the birds hunt in the mornings when at the same time you witness the sunrise.
Cancun always welcomes anyone who comes willingly with an attitude of serenity, love and gratitude to Mother Nature, she shelters you as one of her land. Here there are no nationalities, we are all inhabitants of the world.
Sometimes the difficult thing is to decide what kind of beach do you want today? A fun one with waves or one with sand white like snow or crystalline and calm like paradise.
What magical place do you want to discover? One with history or one surrounded by nature.
The sun shines everywhere, but not everywhere it shines like in Cancun.